So I think we can all agree that the title is a pretty important part of a movie and it's opening. Along with the name of the movie, there is also a process of choosing front and there are a lot of fonts that one can choose from. I am pretty lost to be honest when I come to naming the film, I've thought of using "Stay in Line", "But What's New?", "Will You Stay?", and "Peace of Mind". But none of them have stuck yet. So right now in my head, I'm thinking about how if I were to make an entire movie, how the plot would be. So once I can get an entire overview of the movie in my head I think that a title would stick. And as for the font I need to get something that is not funky or odd, maybe something plain or in cursive. But if I were to choose between the two I would lean towards plain one since I don't know how to write in cursive.

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