Monday, April 6, 2020

Last Second Change

While weighing my options of what to film I realized that it would be way more efficient to do a texting breaking up. So I have decided to instead of doing it on Facetime or a Tinder idea I think that a text message would be more effective. I also want to show that the main character is sad and eventually gets depressed to the point in which he stays in bed all day for 2 weeks without moving. Eventually, he gets told by his sister that he must get up and move on with his life. He's reluctant and does not have much energy. She convinces him to do something productive and then she suggests going out for a run in which he gets up and goes out the door. The opening ends there with the title showing up on the door. Now the title I have just come up with. I decided to go with "Running for Laila" because my whole overview of the story is that they used to run together and he uses running as a coping mechanism. As I get ready to film tomorrow I am really hoping that I am able to get all of my thoughts on the camera.
Commercial Filming in L.A. Schools Stopped After TV Station Raises ...

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Here is my CCR and I used some inspiration from "MTV Cribs" to do it.